Yeah, I had Madonna in my head!
It's been a very busy week for me and I have to admit I have been more focused on my own material world. That's when you usually get snatched up and made to remember what's really important... it's like God says 'this one is getting too big for her britches' and whammo!
My whammy (this time) was not personally directed at me. It came as a gentle reminder that life is fragile and way too short. My family is close knit (that means we love each other so much we can't stay out of each others business- just ask my brother-in-law in texas!). Usually, we just pass around family gossip and offer opinions (unsolicited, of course) which, on occasion can ruffle some feathers... but we all know no matter what, we got each others backs.
You can probably tell I am the one that can't focus (the rambler... in more ways than one).
People who marry into this family have to expect certain things:
[1] you're considered one of 'the' family and all rules (there are no rules) apply
[2] we're short but fast so you need to be light on your feet (and in your heart) to keep up
[3] you will be the topic of conversations (and butt of jokes)
[4] you will be loved loved loved as one of our own
So, my tap on the shoulder this week was death. That reminder that we are on borrowed time here.
A sweet man from a branch of our extended family recently had a second surgery in three months and the stress was too much. He did get to go home and spend his last day with the love of his life and yes- he did tell her that only hours before he left her. I think he knew it was his last night.
She said he was restless all day; couldn't be still and kept looking out the doors. Was he watching? waiting?
That evening, he asked her to sit close to him as they watched a favorite show and he held her hand. They snuggled on the couch for hours. He told her how much he loved her over and over again in bed but left her when she fell asleep...
she woke up at 2am and found him... it breaks my heart all over again! It reminds me of Momma waking up to find Tommy when he died several years ago. It brings back my grandparents' deaths and the awfulness we all felt... so my heart goes out to Judy. I haven't lost a spouse... I can only imagine the devastation she is going through.
My Mom knows firsthand. I can see her own pain as she remembers Tommy. Death is always harder on the ones left behind. Mom talks to Tommy at night when she is sleeping. They are still in love and I'm so thankful she still has a connection to him. It gives me hope and strengthens my belief that 'Families are forever' and that we are all connected on a deep deep level...
I just found out yesterday that my niece's Dad passed a few ago. My sweet niece inherited from my first marriage. Once family, always family! I knew he had had a stroke but thought he was stable. I was shocked and told my son he was mistaken when he told me. I had to get verification from my daughter; she and my niece have been BFF's since childhood... I know! I've been so wrapped up in my own stuff lately I wasn't open to what's happening in the lives of people I love!
So I am thankful for the reminder to be grateful for life, love, family, good friends, spirit, and laughter! I am thankful for the reminder to remember what is really important and not focus so hard on the material aspects of life... we have to leave time for talking, hugs, laughing, and just hanging out and BEing!!
Go hug someone!