About Me

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I have a studio where I get to work and play every day; love it! I'm one of those displaced workers you here about so I do freelance work for companies on occasion but my main priority right now is to support myself doing what I love, which is art and design.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ready to Spring Forward!

There is debate over moving our clocks back and forth but I like springing forward. One reason is because I like daylight 'seeming' to stretch; it gives me the illusion of more time and that automatically inspires me to do more with the time I have.

So I am definitely needing to be more efficient. I just started working outside my studio a couple weeks ago and I'm enjoying the job and being out in public more (lol) but I miss spending so much time with my art and crafty projects. I miss sleeping in whenever I want too but having that steady paycheck really makes up for that little inconvenience. Thank You God for my generous blessings!

How often do you thank God? I've been giving this some thought over the past few days, especially when driving since this is the time I listen to my contemporary christian stations and get to meditate a bit on my day, my life, and my spirituality... ok, I'm not meaning to turn this post into a spiritual discussion (that will be another day) but I remember watching that Oprah episode, how many years ago? where she advised keeping a 'Grateful Journal'. Let's see a show of hands: who saw it? and who started doing it?

I actually did start doing it and it made me feel better; it made me happier because I actually took a moment to think about all the things in life I enjoyed, appreciated, and loved. It also made me appreciate those little trials one must go thru to be more grateful for all those little and big things we sometimes take for granted.

So with the Spring and new beginnings, I'm going to begin doing this again- keeping a Grateful Journal. It's a good thing.. now I sound like Martha Stewart. LOL if you really knew me that comment would be sooo funny!!

Other Spring Resolutions:
  • get up earlier to walk on treadmill or elliptical (I recently uncovered them!)
  • start writing every day- even if it is only one page! I promised my daughter I would have a certain book complete by summer- ugh!
  • spend at least an hour a day reading something beneficial (not janet evanovich- don't you just love her!)
  • try to eat 3-4 times a day... I tend to forget and only eat 1-2 times which I understand may be what keeps me from losing more weight - go figure!
  • maybe be a little more like Martha Stewart-lol
  • attempt to be less hermit-like ;)
  • paint every day!
 Here is my latest painting called New Growth... perfect for Spring;)

Go to my shop page to see the meanings of New Growth - thanks for checking it out!
© Copyright 2011 Cyndie Bumgarner
'New Growth' depicts my interpretation of the Tree of Life and the Circle of Life. I believe we are all connected, bound by our roots in/of Mother Nature and Heavenly Father. It is our nature to grow, mature, and pass along our knowledge and understandings...

What are your ambitions for Spring? How are you going to spend your time? and do you keep a Grateful Journal or have another way you keep grounded and happy? I really want to know!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely tree art, I like it! Nice job!

    I'm kind of excited to change the clocks- it gets lighter earlier, for one thing. I don't like the earlier sunset, though, so I can't wait until it's summer and the days seem to last forever!

    Taylor Lynn <3
